Our Worship Style

Worship StyleWorship at FPC is multidimensional. Like many mainstream Protestant churches, we are a liturgical church. This means that relevant scriptures cycle through the seasons of the church: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and a lot of extraordinary “Ordinary Time.” The scriptures and sermon form the nucleus of worship on any given Sunday. We follow a bulletin created each Sunday which includes spoken prayers, and moments for silent prayer. Our worship has a blend of music that includes traditional hymns accompanied by our wonderful pipe organ, as well as contemporary music accompanied by piano, occasionally guitars and drums or other instruments. Our Chancel Choir sings a range of sacred music from traditional/classical music to contemporary and cross-cultural music. We have a Handbell Choir, Children’s Choir, and special music throughout the summer. Our worship includes open communion (bilingual in Spanish) once a month, and occasional special services for Healing and Wholeness, Earth Care, Confirmation Commissioning and more. Best way to get a feel for our worship style is to experience it in person or by livestream. They are they posted to our YouTube channel.

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Join us for worship,
Sundays at 9:30