Committees of Session
Building and Grounds Committee– The Building and Grounds committee is responsible for the stewardship of all the physical properties (interior and exterior) of FPC as well as setting the guidelines for use of the church and its facilities.
Nicole Johnson – Chair Kristine Johanek – 2nd Elder
Christian Education Committee– The Christian Education Committee is responsible for Christian education programming for the congregation from birth through the older adults. The Nursery has a very loving and conscientious caregiver to take care of children from birth through 3 years of age. Sunday School is offered for children in 4K through 8th grade, most all Sundays during the public school year. There is an organized music program including singing and children’s hand bells each of the Sundays after the Sunday School classes are dismissed.
Confirmation is offered to those in 9th and 10th grade who may be interested in joining the congregation. Youth Fellowship is comprised of students in 6th grade through senior high. They are an active group involved in a variety of activities which on occasion involves other youth groups in the area.
Forum for All is offered to all in the congregation who wish to join
Melissa Cooper-Chair, Jan Clouse – Elder Liaison
Finance and Stewardship Committee – Working with the treasurer, Angela Edblom, the Stewardship & Finance Committee is responsible for the oversight of the day-to-day finances of FPC’s ministry and for developing the annual budget, subject to session approval. In addition, the Stewardship Committee seeks to educate the congregation on our call to be faithful stewards of God’s ministry here at FPC year round and during the annual fall financial campaign.
Scott Winch – Chair, Gerri Toyama – Elder Liaison, Mike Eberl, Phil Phillips, Angela Edblom – Staff/Treasurer
Green Team Committee– This team of volunteers works to keep the congregation and committees of the church informed about earth friendly, eco-justice concerns. The committee’s mission is to serve the congregation, in such ways that Care for Creation becomes part of the ethos of the life of First Presbyterian, and through modeling, extends to our family and community friends. Members plan Forum for All, Children’s Discovery Times, and bulletin and newsletter green tips to advocate for sustainable practices we might all consider. The FPC Green Team worked cooperatively with other agencies in town to develop the Growing Together Community Gardens, on church property generously leased by FPC. Additional members are welcomed to join us at any time.
Darlene Berry – Co-Chair, Sue Nelson – Co-Chair, Barb Gillespie – Co-Chair, Nicole Johnson – 2nd Elder
Membership Committee– The Membership Committee welcomes visitors to our church and oversees fellowship opportunities for the congregation. Some of their many duties include: care of Friendship Pads in sanctuary, taking mugs to visitors.
Jeff Talsness – Chair Clay Bernick – 2nd Elder
Nominating Committee – This committee nominates potential officers for Deacons and Session. If you wish to recommend the name of a church member to serve with Deacons or Session contact:
Darlene Berry – Chair, Jill Schulz – 2nd Elder
Outreach Committee– The committee serves as the compassionate eyes and ears of FPC of Marshfield calling the church to a deeper faithfulness, inclusiveness, and responsiveness to the many needs of those who suffer in our community, state, nation and world. Committee members also partner with organizations and other faith communities who stand in solidarity with the marginalized in our society.
Kristina Kaiser – Chair, Lisa Carroll – Elder Liaison
Personnel Committee– During our meeting time all things dealing with the staff of FPC are discussed. We interview and hire for any open positions, conduct yearly reviews of staff members, offer support, evaluate and set wages with the help of Session, and deal with any staff issues that may arise.
Dan Burk – Chair, Jan Clouse – 2nd Elder
Worship Committee– The worship committee of First Presbyterian Church of Marshfield seeks to facilitate meaningful, prayerful, celebratory, and accessible worship to support the spiritual well-being of the congregation and the church mission’s in the larger community. We seek to use the gifts of all the members of the congregation in the worship life of the church. Responsibilities include helping to support pastoral, music ministry and volunteer staff with music (handbells, children’s and adult choirs, special music), sanctuary decorations, and other aspects related to the structure and content of the weekly worship service, as well as services for special occasions.
Larry Clouse – Chair, Kris Johanek – 2nd Elder/Elder Liaison
FPC Session, Deacons & Committees July 2024 – June 2025
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